AoS Protocol Documentation

This site documents the AoS protocol as well as the extensions that have and will been made to it. If you want to propose changes to the protocol, open an issue or file a PR against this repo

View the Project on GitHub piqueserver/aosprotocol

Extension Negotiation Packet


Each extension is given an unique id that is decided when it is first registered. We differentiate between two types of packets:

Those that:

Type Purpose Extension id range
HAS_PACKETS introduce new packets to the protocol 0-191
PACKETLESS don’t use and need any packets 192-255

Each extension is given one legacy packet id equal to 64+extension_id. For PACKETLESS extensions this would mean that their packet ids are out of spec >255, thus they don’t have any. An example for a packetless extension would be OpenSpades’ UnicodeExt.

Each extension packet will contain 1 additional byte in its data, which is a subpacket id, used to have multiple packets available for each extension. This is always the case, even if an extension only needs 1 packet in total.

General extension packet structure:

Field name Type Notes
Packet id UByte 64-255
Sub packet id UByte 0-255
Data UByte[] extension data

ExtInfo Packet

Field name Field type Notes
length UByte length entries will follow
entries ExtInfoEntry see below


Field name Field type Notes
ext. ID UByte see #Overview
version UByte Usually starts at 1

Protocol Flow

The server should send an ExtInfo packet (optimally) after the Version Info response has been received to compatible clients (OpenSpades versions > 0.1.3, see, assuming it supports any. The client can store the list of extensions for later use and should reply with an ExtInfo packet that lists the extensions it supports (if it does actually support any).

The client can omit any extensions that the server does not support from its reply, but this is not necessary as the server can simply ignore them itself.

Packetless Packets

Player Limit

Tells client server supports up to 256 players.

Packet ID: 192
Version: 1

Message Types

This packet is an extension to the Chat Message, it adds new chat types. So clients can handle it how they want, in most clients it will display the message in different area/size/color/sound in player’s screen.

Packet ID: 193
Version: 1

New Types:

Value Type Notes
3 CHAT_BIG Displayed on the center of the screen
4 CHAT_INFO Displays a notice
5 CHAT_WARNING Displays a warning
6 CHAT_ERROR Displays a error

Kick Reason

Send a Chat Message with type 2 (CHAT_SYSTEM) and player id 255, before kicking a player out of the server.

Packet ID: 194
Version: 1